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¿Cómo será la iglesia que establezcamos?
Posted by Wally De La Fuente on diciembre 9, 2024 at 6:26 pmObserva nuevamente el gráfico. ¿Cuáles fueron tus primeros pensamientos cuando lo viste? ¿Hay algo nuevo en lo que nunca pensaste antes?
samodhis respondió 19 hours, 38 minutes ago 7 miembros · 12 Replies -
12 Replies
At a first glance, the graph reminded me about ‘the Circle of Influence’ in cross cultural communication; thereby helping me to put into context the geographical context of our Church ministry.
The Text and Context aspects of Church planting have really come through very handy.
Most of the time ignored, and focus on what has worked else where
Patrick, can you explain how your view of a church has changed since going through this session?
I like a simple but compact packaging of this information. I have a clear texture of how to approach team building and design a discipleship plan with the end goal so clearly defined.
Philp, what struck you as new or impactful in the 10 ingredients of a healthy church?
The first time I was introduce to this, I was taken aback by the emphasis on worship as a key (vital) function of the church. Yes, I participated in worship, but I probably did not see this as a direct result of my coming to faith. What Piper said is so true: that evangelism exists where there is no worship, since it is through this conversion to Christ that we are able to and desirous of congregating together as a church (a body of Christ) to worship him in Spirit and in truth.
Al principio lo vi como un átomo con varios orbitales. Más tarde pensé que mostraba el crecimiento gradual de una nueva iglesia, que comienza pequeña después del evangelismo y se expande con el tiempo.
Otra experiencia es la de las etapas de crecimiento de la iglesia. A menudo predicamos, oramos por los salvos, les damos la bienvenida a la iglesia, tenemos comunión y adoramos. La parte del DISCIPULADO a menudo se pierde y nos damos cuenta de que los miembros no se adhieren a la comunidad durante mucho tiempo. Ahora comprendo mi debilidad y estoy listo para aprender más.
Jospeh, in Latin America we often referred to “the back door” of the church (building). We needed to somehow close off that back door or those who came in through the front door figuratively would stay a while and then leave by the back door. Discipleship is a key element in keeping people a part of the emerging fellowship. Getting people involved in the life of the local church helps. Using their giftedness, worshipping together– all of the elements we listed as characteristics of a healthy church.
Looking at the graph,it’s perfect,I never thought of having a vision as a church planter,but now I get it and understand that as a church planter you should think of the growth and the future of the church.
For me, the graph helps how to strategies before you start everything. Most of the time we just do it the way we think it’s good but never knew we are messing up.
Having a plan, proper arrangement before we planted a Church will help us to succeed in the work of God. Proverbs 16:3
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